This guide helps you to provide a sneak peek of your presentation with a short, recorded overview. Conference attendees love these videos and they watch them to plan which sessions they attend.
Record a short, one to two-minute introduction of your presentation.
Please include the following as part of your script:
If you want to screen-share content in your intro, make sure to record the beginning of your introduction in full-screen mode, before going into picture-in-picture mode; viewers really want to get to know you first before seeing content details.
Audio quality is usually more important than any visuals or video that accompanies your presentation. People can deal with bad video, but bad audio really detracts from any presentation.
Your video should have two important aspects: A video of you speaking and your notes/presentation. Putting the two together is usually not too difficult.
Video Recording Tips
Recording yourself along with a series of slides is a common way to prepare and distribute a presentation for all to enjoy. Check out this example.
There are a variety of software packages to make this possible:
A few tips:
What is behind you during your presentation will be noted by attendees, and can make a recording either visually pleasing or distracting.
A few tips:
You have done a ton of work and are excited to upload your video introduction.
Here are some tips:
If you are having an problems uploading your video in the form above, we have a backup plan for you. Please use the free service to send your video.
Send all WeTransfer files to
SENIA loves to amplify and share the words and ideas of presenters like you!
To increase outreach, we are asking all presenters to promote their presentation through social media and other marketing channels.
Whova, our conference platform, no longer supports adding documents to your Whova presentation profile.
Please add a link to your speaker session that points to the documents you wish to share with your attendees.
For example, a link to a Google Drive folder with all the documents you wish to share.
Questions? Concerns? Thoughts? A sense of panic? I am here for you. Reach out to me, Arcelia, anytime!