Due November 8, 2023

Proposal Acceptance Agreement

Thank you so much for offering your skills, passion and knowledge to the SENIA Community. Please review the information below and sign the acceptance form.

General Details

  • By November 8: review all of the presenter guidelines and sign your speaker agreement.  Please also ensure that you are able to obtain a visa for entry into Vietnam before agreeing, and note that SENIA will not be able to refund tickets if you agree to present and then fail to obtain a visa
  • Starting November 8: Develop your speaker profile on our events platform Whova, create your presentation, and plan for necessary logistics such as flights, accommodation, and visas
  • January – February: Begin promoting your session and engaging with participants
  • By January 8: Register for the conference using your presenter discount code.  Please note that all presenters are required to register for the conference and will receive a $100 discount on their ticket
  • By January 16: Record and upload a short, one-minute introduction to your presentation
  • By February 12: Upload any session materials to our events platform, Whova
  • Leading up to the conference on March 1-3: Login into Whova and double-check that your bio, session information, and presentation materials are accurate and ready to go.

Time and Registration Details

  • Provide a 1:00 – 1:15 hour workshop session on March 1 or March 2, 2024 at ISHCMC
  • Register myself for the conference (with a $100 discount as a single presenter, or $50 discount per co-presenter) by January 8, 2023


As our conference registration is filling up quickly and this agreement will hold my spot, by signing below I am guaranteeing that I will attend the conference.

*If you are unable to access the Google Form, please Hannah that you agree to follow the guidelines.  Her email is below.

Questions? Concerns? Thoughts? A sense of panic?

I am here for you anytime! Hannah@SENIAInternational.org