# SENIA International Presentation Guidelines

As a presenter for SENIA International, you play a crucial role in promoting a sense of belonging and supporting our mission of championing inclusive schools. Please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure your presentation is effective, inclusive, and aligned with SENIA’s values.

Presentation Content and Delivery

  1. Sessions are 75 minutes long. We recommend allocating about an hour for the presentation and leaving time at the end for audience questions.
  2. Model Inclusive Practices: Your presentation should exemplify best practices in supporting individual learning needs.
  3. Interactive Approach: Avoid lecture-style presentations. Incorporate interactive elements such as group discussions, hands-on activities, or interactive tech solutions
  4. Use Inclusive Language: Refer to SENIA’s Language Matters guide for guidance on appropriate terminology and phrasing. 
  5. Respect and Dignity: Treat all participants with respect and dignity
  6. Accessible Slide Design:
    1. Create easy-to-read slides free of clutter
    2. Limit content to 1-3 key points per slide
    3. Use high-contrast color schemes
    4. Employ a clear, sans-serif font (e.g., Arial, Calibri) of at least 24pt size
  7. Diverse Representation: Ensure that examples, case studies, and visual aids represent diverse populations.
  8. Multi-Sensory Approach: Incorporate various modes of information delivery 

Preparation and Accommodation

  1. Plan for Accessibility: Consider potential accessibility needs. Use captioning for videos 
  2. Flexible Pacing: Allow time for processing information and questions. Be prepared to adjust your pace based on participant needs.

Professional Conduct

  1. Stay Current: Ensure your content reflects the most up-to-date research and best practices in inclusive education.
  2. Maintain Confidentiality: Respect the privacy of individuals in any case studies or examples you share.
  3. Manage Time Effectively: Stick to the allocated time for your presentation, allowing for breaks and questions.
  4. Provide Resources: Offer additional resources or references for participants who wish to learn more about your topic.

By following these guidelines, you’ll contribute to a positive, inclusive, and enriching experience for all SENIA International participants. Thank you for your commitment to our vision of living in an inclusive world!